Sujet de la discussion : MedeSpace.Net :: United State Médical Licensing Examination

Publié par La Pharmacienne le 15-02-2009 03:18

Question 02 :

An 11-month-old African American boy has a hematocrit of 24% on a screening laboratory done at his well-child checkup. Further testing demonstrates: hemoglobin 7.8 g/dL; hematocrit 22.9%; leukocyte count 12,200/µL with 39% neutrophils, 6% bands, 55% lymphocytes; hypochromia on smear; free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (FEP) 114 µg/dL; lead level 6 µg/dL whole blood; platelet count adequate; reticulocyte count 0.2%; sickle cell preparation negative; stool guaiac-negative; and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 64 fl.

Which of the following is the most appropriate recommendation?

a- Blood transfusion
b- Oral ferrous sulfat
c- Intramuscular iron dextran
d- An iron-fortified cereal
e- Calcium EDTA

blood smear = frottis sanguin
lead = plomb
sickle cell anemia = drepanocytose
stool guaiac = hemocult [?] (recherche du sang dans les selles)