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  • Apnées du sommeil - Complicatio...

    mercredi 28. octobre 2015

    Fibrillation auriculaire

  • Asthme - Activités physiques - HRB

    samedi 19. septembre 2015

    L\'entrainement en aérobie diminue l\'hyperréactivité bronchique (HRB) et l\'inflammation systémique chez les patients souffrant d\'asthme modéré à sévère: un essai randomisé contrôlé.

  • Aliments épicés et Mortalité

    samedi 15. août 2015

    Consommation d\'aliments épicés et mortalité toutes causes et spécifiques: une étude de cohorte basée sur la population.

  • Tabagisme passif - Vaisseaux - I...

    mercredi 22. juillet 2015

    Le tabagisme passif est associé à l\'inflammation vasculaire...

  • Appendicite: Chirurgie ou Antibi...

    dimanche 28. juin 2015

    Antibiothérapie versus Appendicectomie en traitement d\'une appendicite aigüe non compliquée: l\'essai clinique randomisé APPAC

  • Personnes âgées - Maison médical...

    mardi 9. juin 2015

    Qualité de l\'air intérieur, ventilation et santé respiratoire chez les résidents âgés vivant en maison médicalisée en Europe.

  • Sauna - Complications

    jeudi 23. avril 2015

    Association entre sauna accidents cardiovasculaires fatals et mortalité toutes causes

  • Cyclisme - Bénéfices cardiovascu...

    mercredi 11. mars 2015

    Associations dose-réponse entre une activité cycliste et le risque d\'hypertension artérielle (HTA)

  • Grippe - Infection - Immunité - ...

    lundi 2. mars 2015

    Longévité et déterminants de l\'immunité humorale protectrice après infection grippale pandémique.

  • BIE OLIE Adolescents

    dimanche 15. février 2015

    Prévalence de la bronchoconstriction induite par l’exercice (BIE) et de l’obstruction laryngée induite par l’exercice (OLIE) dans une population générale d’adolescents.

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Une nouvelle session ...
@maggy Le score de Mac...
C est bien de nous inf...
C'est trop génial! j' ...
bjr afin de finaliser ...
J'arrive po à le telec...
Voilà encore un autre ...
Les ratios obtenus apr...
donc pas de viagra
C est une complication...
y a pas d'explication....
quelle est la conduite...
je pense que la chalaz...
l'indicatio à cette t...
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MedeSpace.Net :: Etudiants en Sciences Médicales :: Etudiants en deuxième cycle
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We can't learn everything, but anyone can learn something
#41 Imprimer le message
Publié le 22-01-2009 16:17
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09,station-dome-fuji-antarctique.jpg
It's cold , very cold down here!!! which takes us to these incredible stories about self surgeries (certain of them happened in Antarctica)
Top 10 Incredible Self Surgeries
Des auto trépanations , en passant par les auto appendicectomies, il fallait avoir une certaine dose de tripes pour les faire!

Oral Prednisolone for Preschool Children with Acute Virus-Induced Wheezing
Skeptical about this trial, i don't understand if they wanted to see the efficacy of Oral Prednisolone for Preschool Children with Acute Virus-Induced Wheezing in the oupatient setting, or the inopatient one ?

Saliva Test for Diabetes, Prediabetes
Proteins in Saliva May Mark Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes


Essentially the McDonald's meal is diabetes and heart disease in a bag

#42 Imprimer le message
Publié le 22-01-2009 16:48
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

hope that between becoming an M.D. & singing "so lovely well" they choose the RIGHT path

Human as hero
"I think of medicine as a test of our ability to manage extreme complexity,"

#43 Imprimer le message
Publié le 23-01-2009 00:22
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Nonpharmacologic Treatments of Chronic Insomnia Reviewed

Pharmamotion: pharmacology animations and information blog

When Is Skin Testing for Penicillin Allergy Indicated?

Monday Master Class: How to Start Down the Long Road from Chaos to Efficiency

#44 Imprimer le message
Publié le 23-01-2009 00:52
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Improved glycaemic control by switching from insulin NPH to insulin glargine: a retrospective observational study

Advice: Just Finish It!
Edité par doczak le 23-01-2009 00:54
#45 Imprimer le message
Publié le 23-01-2009 12:09
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 125
Inscription : 30.04.08

Le furosémide n'a pas prouvé son efficacité en matière de prévention ou de traitement de l'insuffisance rénale aigue chez l'adulte, et de hautes doses de furosémides étaient accompagnées d'un risque d'ototoxicité.

Furosemide is not effective in preventing and treating acute renal failure

Meta-analysis of frusemide to prevent or treat acute renal failure:

"Meta-analysis showed that frusemide is not effective in the prevention and treatment of acute renal failure in adults. Frusemide did not reduce in-hospital mortality, the requirement for dialysis, the number of dialysis sessions required until recovery of renal function, the proportion of patients remaining oliguric (urine output < 500 ml/day), and the length of hospital stay. Furthermore, high doses may be associated with an increased risk of ototoxicity."

"Frusemide has been shown to reduce renal tubular damage in experimental settings and as such has been widely used to prevent or treat acute renal failure. It has been argued that frusemide, especially at high doses, may convert oliguric acute renal failure to non-oliguric acute renal failure and thus reduce the requirement for dialysis.w7 w14 This meta-analysis did not show these potential benefits. As frusemide is largely excreted unchanged in the urine and influences tubular reabsorption from the luminal side, it is the urinary excretion of the drug, not its plasma concentration, that determines the efficacy of its diuretic action.11 12 Non-oliguric acute renal failure is in general associated with a better prognosis than oliguric acute renal failure,5 and studies have shown that patients who have diuretic responses to frusemide have less severe acute renal failure.w4 Therefore a positive diuretic response to frusemide may indicate that patients have a milder form of acute renal failure rather than frusemide being capable of converting a more severe form of acute renal failure to a less severe form and improve the outcome.w4 13 Our results agree with this hypothesis."

"Limitations of the study:
Firstly, meta-analyses are prone to bias, and study quality can affect the direction and magnitude of treatment effect. In the pooled studies only four trials had adequate allocation concealmentw1-w3 w7 and four had a Jadad score of 3 or more.w1 w2 w4 w7 The magnitude and direction of the results was not changed in sensitivity analysis by including only the four studies with adequate allocation concealment. Furthermore, the number of patients included in this meta-analysis may be inadequate to exclude small but significant clinical benefits of frusemide"
#46 Imprimer le message
Publié le 23-01-2009 20:06
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Recognizing Lymphedema Is Vital in Assisting Oncology Patients

Perioperative Management Strategies
for the Patient Requiring Warfarin


Diagnosis: Mercury
"Jane Hightower will discuss the risk of consuming too much mercury when eating top predator ocean fish such as tuna, swordfish and sharks.

She is a San Francisco doctor who discovered in 2000 that many of her patients had the classic symptoms of mercury poisoning, including nausea, trouble concentrating and tiredness, and she traced these symptoms to eating fish several times a week. Public health warnings are still inadequate, she says."

voici le lien pour téléchargement direct

#47 Imprimer le message
Publié le 23-01-2009 21:01
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Blood pressure not associated with many severe CT findings after acute stroke
Management of blood pressure in acute ischemic stroke remains an enigma

Household Cleaning Bad for Asthma?
Study: Household Cleaning Aggravates Respiratory Symptoms in Women With Asthma


#48 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 15:57
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 125
Inscription : 30.04.08

symptômes et états pathologiques associés au reflux gastro-œsophagien:
#49 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 16:00
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 125
Inscription : 30.04.08

traitement hygiéno-diététique du RGO.
#50 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 16:04
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 125
Inscription : 30.04.08

Les anti-sécrétoires (IPP/anti H2) dont l'utilisation est approuvée par la FDA (food and drug administration) dans le traitement du RGO:
#51 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 16:09
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 125
Inscription : 30.04.08

Statistiques et résultats d'études sur l'efficacité des anti H2 et des IPP dans le traitement symptomatique du RGO et de ses complications.
#52 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 16:19
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 125
Inscription : 30.04.08

Ces tableaux récapitulatifs ont été tirés de l'article suivant: "Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease"
#53 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 18:37
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Orofacial pain and fever
Figure 1 : Site of osteonecrosis in the lingual side of the mandible (area of second molar)
a medical case (usually from the Infectious Diseases/Clinical Microbiology field) with several teaching points will appear occasionally.

The chief complaint, history of present illness, medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic work up are presented in a succinct way in the first part leading to a question for the reader about diagnosis or management (the usual question is: ''What is your diagnosis?''Wink

At First, Funny Videos. Now, a Reference Tool.

The explosion of all types of video content on YouTube and other sites is quickly transforming online video from a medium strictly for entertainment and news into one that is also a reference tool. As a result, video search, on YouTube and across other sites, is rapidly morphing into a new entry point into the Web, one that could rival mainstream search for many types of queries.
QuizMD now offers recall quizzes to test you on the types of clinical questions you get asked on the wards. Be prepared!

The Scan That Didnr17;t Scan
Always question everyting!

#54 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 18:45
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

First day in the hospital, a trauma to remember
Doctors already remember their first cases, whether it's in the hospital, emergency department, operating room, or clinic.
And sometimes, that's not such a good thing, especially it involves such tragedy.

#55 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 19:33
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Brad Wright, An anatomist in medical school says :"A couple years ago one of my colleagues died of ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Before his death he wrote a few personal reflections"
Falling down the rabbit hole
Stephen Hawking est l'un des malades les plus célèbres de la sclérose latérale amyotrophique

Diagnosis and management of motor neurone disease

Whole-Genome Analysis of Sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

#56 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-01-2009 23:13
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MedeSpacien rédacteur

Messages : 2237
Inscription : 01.09.08

dockzak a écrit:
a medical case (usually from the Infectious Diseases/Clinical Microbiology field) with several teaching points will appear occasionally.

The chief complaint, history of present illness, medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic work up are presented in a succinct way in the first part leading to a question for the reader about diagnosis or management (the usual question is: ''What is your diagnosis?

L’ ostéoradionécrose ou ostéite post-radique, est une
complication redoutable de la ra d i o t h é rapie des cancers
cervic o -maxill o - faciaux. Cette maladie iatrogène
pose des problèmes, non pas de diagnostic mais de
prise en charge des patients irradiés d’où l’intérêt d’un
traitement préventif
. le but final est en effet non seulement
de guérir le malade de sa pathologie cancéreuse
mais aussi de limiter autant que possible les séquelles
de la thérapeutique instituée afin d’améliorer la qualité
de vie des patients à moyen et long terme .
L’odontologiste tient une place à part entière au sein de
l’équipe pluridisciplinaire et par la rigueur de la préparation
bucco-dentaire permettra de réduire la fréquence
d’apparition de cette grave complication.


#57 Imprimer le message
Publié le 27-01-2009 13:52
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Average IQr17;s across professions
#58 Imprimer le message
Publié le 27-01-2009 13:55
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Quelle est la différence entre un iPhone et une....iPierre!!!

Vous trouverez les restes de ces perles d'images "virales par ici :

#59 Imprimer le message
Publié le 27-01-2009 14:00
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Basic Knots & Sutures
Basic Knot Tying and Suturing

Infant suffocation rates quadruple, study finds

#60 Imprimer le message
Publié le 27-01-2009 17:29
MedeSpacien Actif

Messages : 161
Inscription : 04.01.09

Lovely Sweet Memories of Food and Family
What food memories help you reconnect with your family?

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