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MedeSpace.Net :: Etudiants en Sciences Médicales :: Etudiants en premier cycle
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Medical English
La Pharmacienne
#1 Imprimer le message
Publié le 14-02-2009 20:52
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MedeSpacien rédacteur

Messages : 8494
Inscription : 26.10.08

Good evening,

The need for English as a professional language in medicine is nowadays beyond doubt. Scientific literature and the internet are just two examples that reveal the overriding necessity for understanding and expressing ourselves in written and spoken English.

Now, Medical English is a reality and we hope our MedeSpaciens readers of this topic will find it both useful and fun. So enjoy it!

Sincerely yours.
La Pharmacienne
#2 Imprimer le message
Publié le 14-02-2009 21:38
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Reading has to be considered the first step in the learning of a foreign language. Reading professional manuscripts is an essential task for everyone who wants to be informed, and medicine is a constantly changing environment where, unfortunately, being uninformed is extraordinarily simple.

Familiarity with some terms and grammatical structures will make articles easier to read and, therefore, allow you to get more accurate information. The goal in terms of reading would be to feel as comfortable with English papers as you are with those written in your native tongue.

In the beginning, reading out loud will be a troublesome task because there are a lot of words that, knowing their meaning and even their spelling, are very difficult to pronounce. As in many other aspects of life, two paths can be taken; the easy one is to avoid this demanding exercise and the difficult, and more profitable one, requires using the dictionary to look up not only the unknown words for their meaning but also the known ones for their pronunciation.
La Pharmacienne
#3 Imprimer le message
Publié le 14-02-2009 21:50
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Bear in mind that the lack of pronunciation skill is one of the greatest enemies of self-confidence when speaking a foreign language. If the lectures we attend were subtitled, most of us would understand them because our ability to understand what we read is much greater than our ability to speak and understand what we listen to.

Being aware of this fact can represent a vital step in your training; reading out loud will triple a reading exercise that suddenly will become a reading±listening±speaking one. When I began this kind of exercise I was barely able to read a few lines without consulting the dictionary; it was terribly hard and to read a few paragraphs took several hours. Do not give up, time and patience will provide amazing results.
La Pharmacienne
#4 Imprimer le message
Publié le 14-02-2009 21:58
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Take into account that the terminology is not so extensive in your specialty although it can seem unbearable at the beginning. As you continue with this exercise, words you cannot pronounce will decrease and you will be able to read medical papers in a straightforward manner. Remember to begin with that the only words that you will have to practice are those that belong to your specialty and are going to be used on a routine basis, and the colloquial words that we have included in this topic.

Listening is, probably, the most important skill to optimize. When we attend a conference, most of us will not ask any questions. Without talking you can get valuable information in a congress if you understand what speakers are saying. Even in our own language our capacity to understand is greater than our ability to talk. We can understand almost everything in a complex talk about an unknown subject about which we would be barely able to say a few sentences.
La Pharmacienne
#5 Imprimer le message
Publié le 15-02-2009 01:09
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Inscription : 26.10.08

To develop listening skills is, therefore, paramount in our careers. The first step could be listening to ourselves reading out loud. There are some other exercises to be done. Watching movies with English subtitles is another essential activity. Unless you have got an outstanding English level, movies without subtitles will be discouraging. I encourage you to watch TV news bulletins; although they are obviously not subtitled they tend to be easier to understand.

Speaking in English must be the next step. Once you can read and understand what others say, you will feel the pressing need to say what you think. But this need will only appear if you have developed the ability to speak in a correct manner, otherwise you will avoid it for fear of being considered not fluent in English.
Edité par La Pharmacienne le 15-02-2009 01:12
La Pharmacienne
#6 Imprimer le message
Publié le 16-12-2009 20:55
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Exercise 1

Let us make a quick review of the carpal bones.

As everybody knows, or at least should know, the proximal row is made up of (from radial to ulnar) the naviculare, lunate, triquetrum, and pisi- form bones.

Would you please read them in a correct manner?
It is likely you can read straightforwardly “naviculare”, “lunate” and “pi- siform”, but I guess that reading “triquetrum” could be a little bit harder. (Do not think that all Latin terms are as tricky as “triquetrum”, but bear in mind that Latin can be an ally with regard to reading and an enemy in terms of pronunciation even for those health care professionals whose na- tive language is based on Latin.)

Nb: When you look up a word in the dictionary, review not only its mean- ing but also both the phonetics and the spelling.
La Pharmacienne
#7 Imprimer le message
Publié le 16-12-2009 21:00
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Inscription : 26.10.08

What would you think if two radiologists are talking about the PCP intersti- tial pattern or that the most plausible cause of the pneumothorax was LAM?

. PCP stands for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.
. LAM stands for lymphangiomyomatosis.
La Pharmacienne
#8 Imprimer le message
Publié le 16-12-2009 21:08
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Exercise 3

How would you start a formal letter to the Editor of a Medical Journal? Would it be acceptable to start “Dear Dr. Williams” even in the likely case that you do not know him at all?

. Dear Dr. Williams is an appropriate expression to start a formal letter.

And how would you finish it?

. Sincerely yours and Faithfully yours are the usual expressions to finish a formal letter. Generally, Sincerely should be used when you know the name of the person to whom you are writing, and Faithfully when you don’t (i.e., starting with Dear Sir).

Nb: i.e c'est l'équivalent de c-à-d !
La Pharmacienne
#9 Imprimer le message
Publié le 16-12-2009 21:15
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Exercise 4

Are you familiar with Latin plurals? We are sure that you can write pneumothorax, but what about its plural?
Is ultrasound (US) an effective mean of detecting gallbladder stones or is it an effective means of detecting them?

The right answers are:

. Pneumothoraces.
. US is an effective means of detecting gallbladder stones.
La Pharmacienne
#10 Imprimer le message
Publié le 16-12-2009 21:20
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Exercise 5

Continue to revise simple conversational English questions. Choose the correct sentences from the following:

. The good news is that the problem can be solved.
. The good news are that the problem can be solved. and
. The Chairman gave me some advice about the paper.
. The Chairman gave me some advices about the paper.

The right answers are:

. The good news is . . .
. The Chairman gave me some advice . .
Edité par La Pharmacienne le 16-12-2009 21:23
benfriha islam
#11 Imprimer le message
Publié le 19-12-2009 21:09
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MedeSpacien fidèle

Messages : 331
Inscription : 09.06.08

merci chaima Shock
La vraie générosité envers l'avenir consiste à tout donner au présent
La Pharmacienne
#12 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 17:29
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Je vous en prie tite sœur, en continue alors.. Smile
La Pharmacienne
#13 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 17:40
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Getting Started

Bonjour, je suis… -----> Hello, I’m….
Je comprends un peu l'anglais. -----> I understand a little English
Qu’est-ce qui ne va pas? -----> What is the matter?
S’occuper de … -----> To take care of..
Avoir une douleur -----> To be in pain
Vous soulager -----> To make you feel better
Prévenir (quelqu’un) -----> To let (someone) know
Avez-vous un numéro ou on peut vous joindre? -----> Do you have a phone number where you can be reached?
Fixer un rendez-vous -----> To make an appointment
Suivez-moi -----> Please follow me
Asseyez-vous -----> Please have a seat
Etes-vous suivi par un médecin? -----> Are you under a doctor’s care
Complétez ce formulaire -----> Could you fill out this form?
La salle d’attente -----> The waiting room
La Pharmacienne
#14 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 17:45
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Inscription : 26.10.08

How do you feel?

Avoir un léger malaise -----> To feel faint
Avoir un étourdissement -----> To black out
Perdre connaissance -----> To faint
Avoir des vertiges -----> To have dizzy spells
Avoir de la fiévre -----> To have a temperature
Avoir une douleur soutenu/continue -----> To have a steady/nagging pain
Avoir une douleur aiguë -----> To be a sharp pain
Une douleur fulgurante -----> A shooting pain
Une douleur qui ressemble à une brûlure -----> A burning pain
Une douleur lancinante -----> A throbbing pain
Avoir comme des piqûres d’aiguille -----> To feel like pins and needles
Ressemblant à un serrement -----> To have a feeling of tightness
Être fluctuant -----> To be on and off
Etre comme un poids -----> To feel like a weight
Etre ballonné -----> To feel bloated
Être engourdi -----> To feel numb
Avoir des nausées -----> To feel nauseous
Être fatigué -----> To feel tired
La Pharmacienne
#15 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 17:59
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Where does it hurt?

Avoir mal ----> To be in pain
Avoir mal à la tête ----> To have a headache
Avoir mal à l’oreille ----> To have an earache
Avoir mal à la gorge ----> To have a sore throat
Avoir mal au ventre ----> To have stomach pains
Avoir mal au bras ----> Sore arm/my arm hurts
Avoir mal au dos ----> Sore back/my back hurts
Des douleurs à la poitrine ----> To have chest pains
Avoir une douleur au coté ----> A pain in my side
J’ai mal partout. ----> I’m aching all over.
Une douleur à l’épaule ----> A pain in my shoulder
Une douleur au coude ----> My elbow hurts
Mal à la cuisse ----> A pain in my thigh
Une crampe au mollet ----> A cramp in my calf
L’orteil me fait mal ----> My toe hurts
Le doigt me fait mal ----> My finger hurts
La Pharmacienne
#16 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 18:17
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MedeSpacien rédacteur

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Inscription : 26.10.08

Getting Information

How often? (A quelle fréquence?) ----> How often have you had these pains?
When? (Quand) ----> When did you have this operation?
How long ago? (Il y a combien de temps?) ----> How long ago did you stop smoking?
How long have you + past participle (Depuis quand …?) ----> How long have you been taken this medication?
Could you tell me?/ would you mind telling me? (Veuillez me dire) ----> Could you tell me if someone in your family has diabetes?
Can you…? (Pouvez-vous…?) ----> Can you bend your knee?
Would you like to….? (Veuillez…) ----> Would you like to sit down?
Have you ever…? (Avez-vous déjà…) ----> Have you ever been to Africa?
Where? (Où?) ----> Where does it hurt?
How? (comment?) ----> How do you feel now?
How…? (A quel degré) ----> How old are you?, How long have you had these symptoms?
La Pharmacienne
#17 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 20:12
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Examining the Patient

Vous examiner ----> To examine you
Ausculter votre cœur ----> To listen to your heart
Enlever votre chemise ----> To take off your shirt
Remonter votre manche ----> To roll up your sleeve
Veuillez vous mettre torse nu?----> Could you strip to your waist?
Montrer au doigt ----> To point
Montrer ----> To show
Tendez le bras ----> Please hold out your arm
Allongez-vous sur le dos ----> To lie flat on your back
Asseyez-vous ----> To sit up
Croiser les jambes ----> To cross your legs
Serrer le poing ----> To clench your fist
Respirer profondément ----> To breathe deeply
Prendre la tension ----> To take your blood pressure
Prendre le pouls ----> To take your pulse
Se détendre ----> To relax
Cela vous fait-il mal quand j’appuie? ----> Does it hurt when I press here
Se rehabiller ----> To get dressed
La Pharmacienne
#18 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 20:30
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Inscription : 26.10.08

Voici quelques astuces et règles permettant d’améliorer vos diapositives, votre intervention orale.. Keys to a Good Presentation! Smile
La Pharmacienne
#19 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 20:43
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MedeSpacien rédacteur

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Inscription : 26.10.08

Keys to a Good Presentation

Use CPR (Capter l’attention, Prouver, Rappeler)

Introduction: C - Catch your audience’s attention
- Make a connection with them
- Give your message
- Show the interest for the audience

Body: P - Prove your message
- Give 3 - 4 arguments
- For each argument, state your point. Give the reasons why I should believe you with facts, figures, concrete examples. When completely defended, move to the next point..

Conclusion: R- Remind your audience
- Make a restatement of your message
La Pharmacienne
#20 Imprimer le message
Publié le 25-12-2009 20:51
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MedeSpacien rédacteur

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Inscription : 26.10.08

Scientific Presentations

Introduction catch the audience’s attention
- Tell how the idea was found

Methods give facts
- How the study was run
- Give specifics

Results give the facts
- What the study found
- Give the results only

Discussion remind the audience
- What this means
- What are the next steps
- Tell audience of importance of the work, where the research leads to explain the next step
- How you say it is as important as what you say. Prepare and practice
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